No cases of virus in Fairfield entering weekend


In an update given Friday morning by the city, there are still no confirmed cases of the coronavirus in Fairfield, nor in Freestone County.

The city’s statement on Facebook applauded the support the community has given city health care workers and first-responders, and also reminded residents to keep practicing CDC and state guidelines.

A few places in the city are in need of masks, with the statement asking anyone who makes masks, and have some to spare, to contact City Hall at 903-389-2633.

Teague residents are under a shelter-in-place order, which went into effect Thursday after an order by Mayor James Monks. On Friday morning, the city has added lawn care services as an “essential service and supply” under the definitions of the order. The city asks for residents to “bear with [them] during this time,” and that orders are being made with advice from local, state and federal personnel.

In Austin, Governor Greg Abbott took his strongest stance yet against the virus Thursday, issuing an executive order pertaining to outside travelers in certain locations.

Under the order, any person who enters Texas as a final destination through an airport, from a point or origin or point of last departure in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, or the city of New Orleans, shall be subject to a mandatory 14-day self-quarantine from the time of entry into Texas, or the duration of the person’s presence in Texas. This order does not apply to people travelling in connection with military service, emergency and health response, or critical infrastructure functions.

Each person covered under this order to self-quarantine will be responsible for all associated costs, including transportation, lodging, food and medical care. Failure to comply with the order is an offense punishable by a fine up to $1,000 and/or a jail term of up to 180 days.

The order will go into effect at noon Saturday. Other cities and states may be added to the list in the future. The Governor pointed to Section 418.011 of the Texas Government Code as reason for the order, saying the “governor is responsible for meeting…the dangers to the state and people presented by disasters.”

Texas Department of State Health Services is now reporting 1,396 cases of the virus in Texas as of Thursday, with 92 counties reporting at least one case, including Limestone and Navarro. A number of 18 deaths has been reported, with 21,424 Texans tested as of Thursday.

The Department is using the #StayHomeTexas campaign to urge residents to keep following city and county authorities.

In other news, a regular meeting of the Fairfield Hospital District (FHD) Board was held Thursday, discussing Abbott’s proclamation that would allow local entities to move May elections, specifically FHD’s Rollback Election to November. After taking postponement under advisement, the board felt it was not fair for voters to wait an additional six months to resolve the tax rate issue.

The Special Rollback election is still slated to begin with early voting on April 20, with the election scheduled for May 2. The board is committed to conducting the election at that time, but will “monitor the ever changing medical and safety issues locally.”