God still fully at work during the quiet times


I am going back to a blog from Wednesday, December 5, 2012 this week. I have looked at so many old pictures recently. They pop up everywhere! My mind should be thinking forward to the new school year, the COVID mess, or what is next for us all, but my mind is parked in rewind mode.

I am about to send my second born to college. My boys are so big. I sometimes glance and do not recognize them; however, when they hug their Grandparents before they leave or respond to my late night texts with “yes mam” I still recognize them fully. I also know that my hubby and I have somewhat done a good job. We have done our best!

Do not even get me started on my girls…one will soon start driving and the other one is trying to buy a house. Owning your own home is a smart move, but she is only twenty years old. Her maturity blows my mind!

Here we go, back to 2012, and our old visit with a sickness. My girls both tested positive for the flu. The things I have heard around here the past few days have been so funny!

Bosque to Blaise: “You are not even really sick. It’s no fair that you get that Sprite.”

Bosque to me: “You got the girls those Naked juice drinks. I said yes to Bosque because they need more veggies. He replied with “We can eat veggies too.”

Banner to Bosque when he was being too loud: “Go crawl in a hole!”

Branden to a teacher at school: “Us boys are sleeping outside in a tent.”

Blaise to Banner: “Are you going to fix your hair before we go to the doctor?”

Banner to me when she stood up this morning: “I feel like one of those needle dolls!” Brazos to everyone: “I will be outside!”

Blaise in the form of a simple note has requested a sick prize from anyone who will buy her one!

Really overall - I observe a sense of quietness! Our house usually does not resemble anything that can be called quiet. It has been quiet in the daytime with the girls!

Oswald Chambers this morning reminded me of another type of quiet that I have often questioned. He wrote “Has God trusted you with a silence-a silence that is big with meaning? God’s silences are His answers.”

I think after we pray and ask, the Lord may give us a silence to test us. We have to know even in the periods that we don’t think we see Him, hear Him, or maybe He even doesn’t act in the manner we think He should, God is present and at work!

I often joke that God is silent at times with me because He wants to make sure I will not revert back to my old ways, jump on a plane to Vegas, and put it all on black or red.

No, I am not doing that. In the ups and downs, I’m going to rely on the Lord and know in my heart that He will never leave my side! Even when He is quiet.

From those old days to 2020, I pray and hope we all have learned or will learn to deal with the quiet times of life and still know that God is at work fully at work with each and every one of us.

I suggested to a dear friend last night to say out loud “You are God.” I should have told her to say it and believe it, proclaim it. Be blessed this week and know that the Lord is still in charge of all.